Building Information Modelling (BIM)
Our long history of collaboration and innovation means we fit naturally into the new ways of working that come with BIM. In an industry where technology and building is fusing together, we can help you unlock knowledge, share information, collaborate and add real value to your project - whether that's saving time, cost, or adding quality.
This process and digital technology allows us to build your projects once digitally, and then again flawlessly in real life. It really works and so we invite all our partners, clients and subcontractors to join us on the BIM journey right from the start.
Our experience means we know that adopting BIM at the earliest stages of a project brings the greatest benefits to our clients. Even at a project's concept stage - it’s never too early to start. We understand the changing landscape of BIM, and have the capability to ensure it adds value to your project. It allows specialisms to work together and share valuable data.
What we offer
We can help you implement BIM on your project from the get-go to increase efficiencies. Our experienced team can identify project improvements well before a single brick is laid.
Monitoring the progress
Issue Management
Clash Detection
Visual Inspection
Why Ant Yapi UK?
A wealth of experience
We have a wealth of experience using BIM on our projects such as Park Modern, Harcourt House, Apex House, Belgravia Gate to name a few. We’ve been developing our BIM strategy for more than 15 years, and are actively involved in its development and promotion as best practice. Our collective experience of this technology spans the entire business.
Working as one
Our team strives to work cross collaboratively and act as one core team, bringing specialisms together on a project. Information can be integrated into design proposals – streamlining the flow of communication and encouraging transparency to help share information with different stakeholders, which highlights and mitigates risks in the process.
Passionate about training
We want to collaborate and share knowledge with the industry and this is made possible by using BIM. We dedicate a lot of our time training our own teams and supply chain about BIM in order to provide a joined up approach.
Let's get digital
When architects, engineers, MEP specialists, commercial managers, FM specialists and subcontractors update a piece of information, all stakeholders can view that change instantly using 3D geometrical models and non-graphical data. This saves time and avoids clashes while improving cost management, schedule control and helps develop better sales and marketing strategies.